pregnancy calendar

Friday, April 11, 2008

Back to work

So I was called back to work for a few more weeks, staying until the end of April, which is kind of nice. Today I found out the date of my c-section and I'm happy to say that the new MacKay baby will be born on August 4/08. It's quite a relief to know this time when the baby is going to come instead of playing the long and tiresome waiting game and seeing the due date come and go like it did with Brayden.

We are having some difficulty choosing names for the baby this time, and I've started up a group on facebook to get suggestions from friends and family. The group is called "Help name the new member of the MacKay family" for anyone who would like to join and leave a name suggestion.

This past weekend Brayden had his very first haircut. He still doesn't have much hair, but the hair he had was getting quite long around his ears and neck, so we got a bit of a trim. Now he doesn't looks so shaggy.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Last day of work.

YAY!!! After today, all my time will be spent with my handsome, brilliant, son. And a bit of time in the evenings with my just as handsome and brilliant husband. Oh and waiting for this new baby to come along.

Pregnancy is going ok, I've lost some more weight. I wish it could be this easy other times. Brayden has taken to pointing to his own belly and saying baby. I'm trying to get him out of this, but I think I am just confusing him.

Easter took place this past weekend, and the Easter Bunny was good to my boy. Probably too good. Enjoy the pictures.....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Half way there!

So now I am 20 weeks pregnant, half way there. I had my ultrasound yesterday. It went well, but unlike my ultrasound with Brayden, I have no hint to the sex of this new baby.
Brayden isn't doing too much new these days. Besides new words all the time. This boy never stops talking, not sure who he inherited that from!!
This weekend is Easter and we are really looking forward to the Easter Bunny visiting and leaving lots of surprises for Brayden.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

And finally some pictures

Digging into the birthday cake.
Birthday site.
Christmas Morning '07
Halloween '07
First time skating!

Here are the promised pictures. One from Christmas, his birthday, skating and halloween.
Tomorrow is my 2nd prenatal appointment for this pregnancy. Last week was just blood work and the such. I'm hoping to hear the new MacKay baby's heartbeat tomorrow.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Getting back into it.

So it has been way to long since I updated this blog. August!! Just about 5 whole months!! So much has happened in that time. I returned to work, Brayden turned 1, we had Christmas, I found another new job, and the biggest happening, we are having another baby! The new addition to the MacKay family will be arriving around August 8, 2008.
We are very, very excited!! Well, not so much Brayden, as he doesn't understand what is going on. I am at work now and don't have any pictures to post with me, but in the next few days hope to have birthday and Christmas pictures put up.
I would also like to congratulate Laura, Marko, and Sean Peric on their new addition Emma-Lyn.