pregnancy calendar

Friday, March 30, 2007

a big thanks

I would like to thank Laura for putting a link to my blog up on her own blog. Her husband Marko and I work together, and to see her sweetie, Sean, check out!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

more peas please

Yesterday I tried Brayden with some peas and boy did he love them. Ate half the jar! I got some good shots of him and wanted to share with everyone. Also, I have entered Brayden into a photo contest on To find his picture quickly, enter then number 131147 and please please please vote for him!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

new tooth!

There is nothing too exciting this week, except Brayden's first tooth came through yesterday! I could see the whites there for quite some time now, but Mike put his finger in yesterday and felt and sure enough the first one has broken through.

Also this week, I went to work for a couple hours. It was hard to leave my little boy at home and go off to work, but like I always say, you can't raise a baby on love, and you certainly can't buy the toys!!

So that's it for now. Enjoy the new pictures

Friday, March 23, 2007

big boy now

Well yesterday's needles went ok. A bit of crying, but that was to be expected. No fever this time, but Brayden's legs were a bit swollen and sore yesterday. He weighed in at a whopping 17lbs 1 oz!! and 24.5 inches long. A big boy for sure. So the public health nurse told me that I could start giving him veggies. Today we tried carrots and sweet potatoes. both of which he ate up like nobodies business!

Monday I am off to work for a half day, not sure how Brayden or I will handle that, but we will see. At least I have a good babysitter in my sister Sandra. Tomorrow we are getting a Jumparoo for Brayden, should be good times for sure.. For pics, they are mostly of Brayden eating...and a couple of his new hat

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Another pretty quiet week, until tomorrow anyway. Tomorrow is Brayden's 4 month checkup and needles :( Last set of needles led to a fever for a few days and I'm really hoping that doesn't happen this time.

Brayden is now not only rolling from his belly to back, but back to belly when something catches his attention and he just has to see it. So funny. I am getting a jumperoo for Brayden this week, I can't wait to see what he does in it. For those who don't know, a jumperoo is a jolly jumper that stays on the floor instead of being hooked to a door frame. Brayden loves to stand on your knee and jump jump jump, so he should have a great time with this toy. And it's another thing to take over our living room too. Soon we will be getting rid of the couches and sitting on toys...

Surprisingly enough I don't have any new pictures to post of Brayden right now, I have new pictures, but they are still on the camera. So I posted some old favorites from when Brayden was just born and the first few weeks of his life.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Well not too much has taken place since the last post. Brayden is big and bad...he is getting so smart. Sitting up better everyday, being very vocal. I'm trying to get him to say mama...but no go yet. I'll get it soon. Now he is chewing on EVERYTHING he can get into his mouth. and I mean EVERYTHING!!! He is also trying to get his toes into his mouth when he is sitting on the floor, which ends up in him almost folding in half, and it looks so funny. he did it in the bath tub the other night, but learned not to there when he got a facefull of water.

Speaking of the bath, that is something this little boy just loves. Not so much the washing part, but the splashing and playing is great, as you will see from the new pictures.

Monday, March 5, 2007

the old cold

Well the past few days Brayden has had the nasty cold that has been going around. Runny nose, cough, tired, but thankfully no fever. He definitly has not been his usual self though, doesn't want to drink a bottle even. Today he is finally starting to feel a bit better. He drank a full bottle and a half this morning, so his appettite is finally coming back.
There is not too much else new, but I wanted to post some new pictures so here they are.
One of my cousin Janelle, who is gone for brain surgery last week, and is doing well, she is in our prayers now, one of Brayden in the tub, with his new Canadiens bib, and one of him lounging on my mom's hand.